Corporate news
VECHRO supports for 6 years in a row architectural awards DOMa
VECHRO, leader in ecological paint and varnishes industry, support actions that are results from the effort and hard work of upcoming & well-known Greek architects. For the 6th consecutive year, the leader in ecological paints stands as a supporter in the organization of the Greek Architecture Awards. VECHRO & DOMa have as common purpose to promote and highlight Greek architecture, as they both recognize the importance of initiatives that pinpoints Greek projects.
For this reason, the annual event – which was established by DOMa 13 years ago-, is of high importance with significant impact over the years. Thus, the awards are result of an effort by both organizers and participants.
Overall, VECHRO recognizes the importance of initiatives like DOMa awards. The power of Greek architects is capable to evolute urban fabric of Greece. Additionally, an architectural project has its shape from the choice of color shades that is going to decorate it. VECHRO has the power of the color in its strategy because #PaintHasThePower and VECHRO owns it with its ecological, odorless & durable paints.